Books For Adults
My memoir and fiction for adults by an Indie Aspie Author

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My Memoir
Endocarditis - My Journey (part 1)
Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.
From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.
Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.
This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.
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Follow Geraldine as she is given a chance to return to Earth after her death to help her family get back on track with life and romance. Geraldine's Gems is for people who like gentle romance and second chances with a hint of magical realism.
Geraldine's Gems

Geraldine's Gems
One Good Turn (Book 1 of 7)
55 year old Geraldine Simmonds dies of cancer and ends up in heaven. But to actually get through the gates to join her old lover Keith, she has to prove her worth – by showing that she isn’t the uncaring relative she used to be and getting Keith to be the happy, loving man she used to know. Can Geraldine fulfil her promise to do the 'one good turn'? What will happen when she does? Is there a ghost of a chance that she can find out the true meaning to 'one good turn deserves another'.
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The Secrets of Singleton
Come to the village of Singleton where the ghosts of the past can help the residents find love with the perfect partner, matching their jobs and hobbies to magical belongings.
For people who like gentle romance and second chances with a hint of magical realism.

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The Secrets of Singleton
The Snakeskin Boots (Book 1 of 6)
Paula Anderson is a selfish and nasty bully at work. Everyone avoids her so not to get the sharp end of her tongue, and that includes the new man at work, Gareth Farlow, whom she fancies. Until her mum treats her to a pair of snakeskin boots. When Paula tries on the boots, she is unaware that she has set a chain of weird events in motion, and ones that include her changing to a better person. When she goes to speak nastily to her colleagues, she starts coughing and no one comes to her aide. The pattern on the boots appear like snakes, just as her colleague seems to take on a predatory stance to Gareth. On the way home through the park, the trees sway with a mysterious breeze, although when Paula meets other residents of the village, they are dry. The village 'Welcome' sign also starts fading and changing. The next day, the trees are still swaying around her, but not around the other residents. At work, when Paula tells off another colleague, she starts to realise how horrible she can be, and is rewarded by Gareth smiling at her. Then Paula sees a woman in the park that looks like her. What is going on? On the third day, Paula hears her co-boss speak sharply to her other co-boss when she tries the boots on, and comes to the conclusion that it is all down to the boots. Then she hears someone else speak rudely to her mum in the shoe shop, and realises what is happening...
The Family Helpers
The family helpers appear from nowhere to help families who are having difficulties with their own families.
For people who like second chances stories with a hint of magical realism.

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The Family Helpers
The Friend
Single mother Fiona knows that her seven-year old son Eddie has autism, but doesn't know much about it and how it affects him, so doesn't know how she can help him. Then Tom appears at the door saying he has come to help them find out about autism and make their life easier. He helps Eddie tell Fiona how autism affects him and how she can help, then helps Fiona by letting her know what autism is all about. This brings Fiona and Eddie closer. But who is Tom? How comes he just appears and disappears? How comes he knows about autism?